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Writer's pictureLisa Magnuson

Closing out 2021- What did you do?

Happy Holidays to everyone.

First, I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge those of you who attempted to work on a movement during the 25 days of Christmas challenge. Please ask yourself these questions and answer them honestly.

  • How did it work for you?

  • Were you consistent?

  • Did you see any improvement?

  • How does your body feel now?

The goal of course was to see improvement, but if you didn't, ask yourself (or us) why that may have been. We are here to support you in your successes and your stumbles, so if for some reason, this didn't go as well as you had hoped, reach out to us for advice on how to work around the issue.

Also- congrats to those of you who completed the 12 days of Fitmas challenge. I hope it helped you incorporate some movement and build/keep some healthy habits during the whirlwind of the season.

Here we go again....... it's New Year's and what have you done?

Let's take a look back at what you have accomplished this past year. We spend a lot of time thinking about and planning our future, but we have to take time to reflect on where we have been in order to make a plan that is based on how we have found success in the past.

This is no place for your "rose colored glasses", this is the time to sit, ruminate and really ponder what went right, and then ask yourself the tougher question, what went wrong?

As your coaches we are here to train you, but more importantly, our job is to remove roadblocks that you may not even know you are putting up for yourself. That's why we push you to get uncomfortable and also to think about your choices and question your intentions. It isn't because we want to piss you off (at least that's not our intention), it's actually our way of guiding you to your own answers.

With another year full of uncertainty ahead of us, we want to help you control your controllables. For example:

  • Keeping healthy foods in your home as opposed to having junk in your pantry.

  • Having access to your scheduled workout whether you are home or away.

  • Putting yourself to bed on a regular schedule.

As you can see, this isn't rocket science, just simple, controllable actions that help you be a healthy version of YOU! So if you have struggled with these things this past year, ask yourself why? They are so easy- I bet you can do better next year. Let's all give it a try, shall we?

And if you had a rockstar year, then good for you! That's what we want to hear! But still go through the drill of recounting what steps you took to make it such a successful year for yourself. You have to evaluate the good, the bad and everything in between. By doing this, you can replicate your successes and make adjustments in other areas that are not serving you.

We would love to hear from you. If you had a hell of a year and really struggled, reach out to us and seek our help, or advice, or just our listening ear.

On the flip side, if you made some major strides, or accomplished a big goal, or are proud of yourself for any reason, TELL US PLEASE!!! We love good news!

Happy New Year Arete Clients and Friends!!!

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