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Intermittent Fasting- Give it a try?

Writer's picture: Lisa MagnusonLisa Magnuson

Who likes traditional dieting where you are counting calories, restricting "fun" foods, or writing down everything you eat? Not a lot of hands are raising.

Hmmm, why do we HATE this so much if we REALLY want to drop weight or lose body fat? Do we find ourselves struggling with traditional diets because the change of behavior is difficult, or is it the actual restriction aspect, or possibly the back and forth will-power struggle with yourself? I think it is most likely a combination of all these things.

You want to know a secret?

You can try a new diet fad, that's not a diet fad at all.

It's called intermittent fasting (IF) or time restricted feeding, or JUST NOT EATING for a specific period of time.

This "new" diet isn't actually new at all. Different regions of the world and various religions have been practicing fasting for hundreds of years. Ironically however, we have very little data on how this type of eating (or not eating) can affect our physiology. In the past 10 years or so, more studies have been conducted to try to measure exactly how restricting our eating to certain "windows" can affect our different organs, our hormones, and a host of other measurable health markers.

Here are some of the findings:

1. Promotes blood sugar control by reducing insulin resistance

2. Promotes better health by fighting inflammation

3. May enhance heart health by improving blood pressure, triglycerides and cholesterol levels

4. May boost brain function and prevent neurodegenerative disorders

5. Aids weight loss by limiting calorie intake and boosting metabolism

6. Increases growth hormone secretion, which is vital for growth, metabolism, weight loss and muscle strength

7. Could delay aging and extend longevity

8. May aid in cancer prevention and increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy

*Note: many of these effects are still being studied but the evidence is pointing to positive outcomes for many biomarkers.

So more than just losing weight or body fat, the act of fasting itself can lend overall health benefits to most people. In fact, many people who are not trying to lose weight use fasting as a health boosting measure.

How do you do it?

Don't consume (eat or drink) any calories for a specified duration of time. It can range from 8 hours to 48 hours (or longer) depending on your goals and practice.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy - right?

Well, there is the whole not eating and feeling hungry part that you have to deal with, but other than that, yes! There is no questioning of whether this food is allowed, or if I can eat one cookie, but not two, or if one glass of wine is ok. YOU CAN'T! It's as black and white as eating can get.

It takes the guesswork out of all the diet conundrums and just lays it out there- NO FOOD FOR "X" hours. Period, the end.

I've practiced (and studied) all different kinds of IF so I have experience in how it feels and what it takes to commit to a certain track- whether it be a 16:8 IF, or deficit days, or a 36 hour full fast- I've done it and I can help you if you want to try.

I'm putting my feelers out for any clients/friends that want to learn more about IF.

If it is something that you think you want to learn more about I'm considering holding a class or two about fasting and how to do it safely and easily. Believe it or not, there is a lot of nuance to not eating and you will find more success if you do it with the right tools in your toolbelt.

Like I mentioned above, it is not just about weight loss; it can positively impact many health markers and help you feel better in so many ways.

So, if you want to learn more, email Myles or myself ( and I will compile a list of interested clients and let you know how I decide to proceed from there.

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