For the next few weeks, we are going to be concentrating on joint mobility and how you can better control how your joints feel. The key for every joint to maintain proper function is to make sure you are feeding the joint the correct stimulus to keep it moving and to remain consistent over long periods of time. In this case both the sayings, "motion is lotion," and "move it or lose it" are extremely appropriate.
This week we focus on the knee joint.
Achy knees are not uncommon but the good news is you are totally in control of improving how your knees function and feel. Of course, it takes practice and diligence and some "work" to make it better but how nice would it be to increase your range of motion AND not have achy knees every time you stand up!
In this video Myles (with Anya's assistance) instructs you on how to get your knees to properly move in deeper flexion to benefit the entire structure of the knee. Follow these step-by-step progressions and/or regressions based on how your knee is behaving each day.
If you would like to "geek" out on this further, here is the link to the study we used for the research supporting this idea.
And here is the key takeaway from the study.
"Provided that technique is learned accurately under expert supervision and with progressive training loads, the deep squat presents an effective training exercise for protection against injuries and strengthening of the lower extremity. Contrary to commonly voiced concern, deep squats do not contribute increased risk of injury to passive tissues."